Four different summary reports are available for each geographic area:
- Wetland profiles that describe the general geography of the area, the extent of wetland mapping, and the acreage of various wetland classes mapped by National Wetland Inventory
- A list of CNHP’s wetland and riparian dependent PCAs within the area, including a link to the individual PCA reports
- A list of CNHP’s tracked wetland and riparian dependent elements (plants, animals, and natural communities) found within the area, including a count of known occurrences
- A list of CNHP reports for projects that include information on wetland and riparian areas either within the specific area or applicable across the state or region

To access the profiles and summary reports, first select a geographic scale.
Click on a Major River Basin from the map, or choose from the list below.

Colorado Headwaters
North Platte
- Arikaree
- North Fork Republican
- South Fork Republican
- Frenchman
- Stinking Water
- South Fork Beaver
- Little Beaver
- Smoky Hill Headwaters
- North Fork Smoky Hill
- Ladder
Rio Grande Headwaters
South Platte
Upper Arkansas
- Arkansas Headwaters
- Upper Arkansas
- Fountain
- Chico
- Upper Arkansas-Lake Meredith
- Huerfano
- Apishapa
- Horse
- Upper Arkansas-John Martin Reservoir
- Purgatorie
- Big Sandy
- Rush
- Two Butte
- Middle Arkansas-Lake McKinney
- Whitewoman
- Cimarron Headwaters
- Upper Cimarron
- North Fork Cimarron
- Sand Arroyo
- Bear
- Canadian Headwaters
Upper Colorado-Dolores
Upper San Juan
Click on a County from the map, or choose from the list below.

- Adams
- Alamosa
- Arapahoe
- Archuleta
- Baca
- Bent
- Boulder
- Broomfield
- Chaffee
- Cheyenne
- Clear creek
- Conejos
- Costilla
- Crowley
- Custer
- Delta
- Denver
- Dolores
- Douglas
- Eagle
- El Paso
- Elbert
- Fremont
- Garfield
- Gilpin
- Grand
- Gunnison
- Hinsdale
- Huerfano
- Jackson
- Jefferson
- Kiowa
- Kit Carson
- La Plata
- Lake
- Larimer
- Las Animas
- Lincoln
- Logan
- Mesa
- Mineral
- Moffat
- Montezuma
- Montrose
- Morgan
- Otero
- Ouray
- Park
- Phillips
- Pitkin
- Prowers
- Pueblo
- Rio Blanco
- Rio Grande
- Routt
- Saguache
- San Juan
- San Miguel
- Sedgwick
- Summit
- Teller
- Washington
- Weld
- Yuma