The Watershed Planning Toolbox is a comprehensive resource for wetland and riparian restoration and conservation planning at the watershed scale. Many Toolbox mapper layers have statewide coverage, while some more detailed layers for wetland attributes and functions are currently limited to the Arkansas Headwaters, South Platte Headwaters, and Roaring Fork HUC8 watersheds. The Toolbox mapper allows users to view wetlands, streams, likely wetland functions, ecological stressors, and high priority areas for conservation and restoration. Supporting resources can be found on the Working in Wetlands web pages. Beaver activity areas in the Colorado River basin can be viewed via the Toolbox mapper or in the Colorado River Basin Dynamic Wetland Mapper. Current beaver dam building capacity can be viewed in the Toolbox mapper or viewed and downloaded in the Beaver Restoration Assessment Tool (BRAT).
Wetlands are known for the many ecological functions they perform. To depict hotspots where wetlands provide beneficial functions and services, we developed models for likely wildlife habitat, water quality, and water quantity functions. These models were primarily based on wetland vegetation, hydrologic, and hydrogeomorphic attributes and informed by peer-reviewed and gray literature.
Summaries for each thematic layer group in the Toolbox mapper are provided below. An overview of the wetland functions mapped in the Watershed Planning Toolbox can be found here.