Colorado Natural Heritage Program Resources

Wetland Plant Identification Workshops
Based on the content of the wetland plant field guides, CNHP teaches workshops each summer on wetland plant identification.
Visit the Wetland Plant Identification Workshops Page
Colorado Wetland Field Guides and App
CNHP has developed several important resources to help identify wetland plants across the state, including an interactive app with detailed descriptions and photos of over 700 plant species.
Visit the Colorado Wetland Field Guides and App PageOther Resources

EPA Website on Wetland Educational Resources
Discover wetland classroom activites, curriculums, videos, teaching tools and more.
Visit the EPA Website on Wetland Educational Resources PageFabulous Wetlands with Bill Ney The Science Guy
(Recorded in 1989) A wacky and entertaining video featuring Bill Nye "The Science Guy" talking about the importance of wetlands. Produced by the Washington State Department of Ecology with funds from the National Oceanic Administration (NOAA) under the Coastal Zone Management Act.
Visit the Fabulous Wetlands with Bill Ney The Science Guy VideoThe Wetland RAP! Ecosystem Song for Kids by Lucas Miller
A rap about wetlands...seriously? Get schooled on the wonders of wetlands with the RAPPING zoologist, Lucas Miller. See herons and whooping cranes, sliders and gators, spoonbills and cattails and much more "Living in a Wetland!"
Visit the The Wetland RAP! Ecosystem Song for Kids by Lucas Miller Video