Request Data
The CNHP Biodiversity Information Management System (Biotics) is used to evaluate projects for potential impacts to rare and endangered resources. By working early in the planning phase of a land management or development project we strive to avoid and minimize impacts while considering alternatives that allow projects to be implemented.
Information from CNHP's state-wide data system is available to the public, and can be used for conservation planning and to help facilitate the design and implementation of ecologically sound development projects. CNHP has worked with landowners, local planning departments, government agencies, consulting firms, and conservation organizations. New pipeline, roads, mines, and general conservation planning are excellent examples of projects where CNHP information has been of use.

Request CNHP Data - to learn more about available CNHP data, and our fee structure for paid data requests.
To make a request:
Requests can also be mailed, or directly emailed to:
Michael MenefeeData Distribution Coordinator
Colorado Natural Heritage Program
Colorado State University
1474 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1474
(970) 491-7331
Environmental Review Direct Email Address: