Breckenridge, Colorado
By: Rob Schorr
(Zoologist, Colorado Natural Heritage Program
Director, Climbers for Bat Conservation)
Megan Mueller of Rocky Mountain Wild graciously coordinated a section of Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s Partners in the Outdoors Conference at Beaver Run Resort, April 24-26. The session entitled Realizing the Potential of the Outdoor Recreation Community to Advance Conservation Through Citizen Science, included Mueller, Greg Newman of, and CNHP and Climbers for Bat Conservation’s Rob Schorr. Schorr was able to talk to the packed session about the genesis of CBC, the motivation behind it, and how it is utilizing the novel collaboration among bat biologists, climbers, and land managers to learn more about bat ecology and hone conservation focus.
Program from the conference CPW Partners in the Outdoors conference welcome banner Beaver Run Resort welcome sign Beaver Run ski resort map