Wetland Plant Identification Workshops
Since 2012, CNHP has conducted wetland plant identification workshops throughout Colorado. The 3-day workshop entails a half day botany primer, a half day focusing on dominant plant families, and then 1 ½ days in the field with wetland ecologists to key out plants. Nomenclature corresponds with the Field Guides and Pocket Guides produced by CNHP.
“The handouts and pocket guide were fabulous, instructors were awesome.”
“The classroom portion was really well done, more time in the field.”
“Great class—I learned so much!”
“Handouts were extremely useful!”

Ecologist Denise Culver in the field with workshop participants.

Ecologist Denise Culver discussing wetland plants.

The class works on plant identification in the field.
2021 Wetland Plant Identification Workshop dates are June 29-July 1 in Pagosa Springs and July 20-22 in Steamboat Springs. RSVP by May 31!
Dates and Locations:
- 2021 - County Fairgrounds, Pagosa Springs, June 29-July 1
- 2021 - Carpenter Ranch, Steamboat Springs, July 20-22
- 2019 - Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Aug 5-7
- 2018 - Montrose, June 26-29; Leadville, July 31-Aug 2
- 2016 - Meeker and Montrose
- 2015 - Walsenburg and Monte Vista
- 2014 - Boulder and Colorado Springs
- 2012 - Silt
Left-click to view, and right-click to download.
Below are links to workshop materials:
For information, contact
Jessica Smith.