Transportation Planning
Through partnerships with NatureServe, Pike’s Peak Area Council of Governments, the Transportation Research Board, Colorado Department of Transportation, Federal Highways, and The Nature Conservancy, CNHP has helped to develop methods and tools for improving impact assessments and advance mitigation planning in the context of long-range transportation planning.

Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments Integrated Regional Management Plan diagram
Left-click to view, and right-click to download.
Below are links to Transportation Planning Reports
- Estimating Impacts of Highway Projects on Select Rare, Sensitive, or Declining Species on Colorado's Central Shortgrass Prairie
- Geospatial Environmental and Community Analysis in Pueblo and El Paso Counties, Colorado
- Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments' Regional Transportation Plan: Integrated Regional Mitigation Plan
- Pilot Test of the Ecological Approaches to Environmental Protection Developed in Capacity Research Projects C06A and C06B
- Programmatic Biological Assessment, Conference Report, and Conservation Strategy for Impacts from Transportation Improvement Projects on Select Sensitive Species on Colorado's Central Shortgrass Prairie
For information, contact
Lee Grunau.