CNHP Botanist Jill Handwerk Receives Award from Colorado Native Plant SocietyOctober 6, 2016Jill Handwerk, CNHP Botanist and our fearless Botany Team Leader, was presented with a well-deserved Special Merit Award […]
Beer, Brats, and Bats: CNHP Partners with the Yampa Valley Land Trust and the Wildlife SocietySeptember 28, 2016In August, the Central Mountains and Plains section of the Wildlife Society (CMPS) hosted its annual meeting in […]
Adventures in Wetland EcologySeptember 16, 2016by Sarah Marshall As the first few aspen leaves turned gold, and a fresh dusting of snow fell […]
Colorado Rare Plant Symposium and 40th Native Plant Society Meeting: Sept 23-25, 2016September 9, 2016Mark your calendars! It’s almost time for the Colorado Rare Plant Symposium and Native Plant Society Annual Meeting. […]
Bioblitzes and Butterflies: An Intern's SummerSeptember 5, 2016by Gary Olds, CNHP Siegele Intern Salida, Rifle, Carbondale, Boulder, Arapahoe County, and even New Mexico are among […]
Using Rock Climber Observations to Find Bat RoostsAugust 30, 2016On a hot summer day above the South St. Vrain River, zoologists Rob Schorr and Andrew Reed stare […]