By: David Anderson
(Director & Chief Scientist)
On April 11, CNHP’s David Anderson and Jeremy Siemers attended the Colorado Science and Engineering Fair (CSEF). This event is a huge science fair for Colorado Students in grades 6-12 that is hosted by the College of Natural Sciences Education and Outreach Center at CSU.
This year, CNHP gave a new Special Award at the fair- the Natural Heritage Conservation Award. This award recognizes the student with the best poster about the conservation of Colorado’s Natural Heritage. We awarded the prize to Madison Miller, who is in 8th grade at Monte Vista Middle School, for her poster called “Fowl Play: How Different Types of Recreational “Play” affects the Flush Response of Waterfowl.” She did an excellent study at Monte Vista Wildlife Refuge examining the impacts of people hiking, biking, and driving on flushing waterfowl on the lakes at the refuge.
Madison Miller in front of her poster titled “Fowl Play: How Different Types of Recreational “Play” affects the Flush Response of Waterfowl. Madison Miller receiving Natural Heritage Conservation Award from CNHP Director, David Anderson.
She also did an excellent literature review (including citing the work of our former director, Mary Klein), and set up a robust study design that she applied to test her hypotheses. Her study is so important now as we are seeing rapidly increasing impacts from recreation on our wildlife. Madison is an excellent young scientist who has a very promising future! Madison’s prizes included a copy of Field Guide to Colorado’s Wetland Plants (Denise Culver and Joanna Lemly), a CNHP t shirt, stickers, and an offer to join in on one of our 2019 field projects this summer.