CNHP Director Dave Anderson participated in a two day strategic planning meeting in Arlington, VA to set annual goals for NatureServe. NatureServe is the national umbrella organization for the natural heritage programs and conservation data centers that operate in each state throughout the United States as well as Canada, Latin America, and the Caribbean. CNHP is one of 82 members that make up the unique multi-local network represented by NatureServe. This is the second year that CNHP has participated in NatureServe’s annual goal setting. Working with NatureServe staff, the group set ambitious goals for the coming year.

While in Arlington, Dave accompanied NatureServe’s CEO Mary Klein and Kyle Copas, acting director of Marketing and Communications, on a visit to Capitol Hill. They visited staff of Senators Udall and Bennet, and also staff of Betsy Markey, Diana DeGette, and John Salazar in Congress and shared information about the role of NatureServe and the Colorado Natural Heritage Program.

In between visits with congressional staff they were able to make a quick stop at the Library of Congress, which is one our country’s most magnificent buildings. The ceilings are lavishly painted with references to science, literature, and art from mythology and classical literature. Dave’s favorite, “Science is organized knowledge,” captures the essence of our work at CNHP.