Dear friends,
Welcome to our new blog! This is just the first of many exciting changes you will be seeing with CNHP’s online presence. The biggest is that we are developing a new modernized website that you will see very soon. Keep an eye on this blog for announcements about that. The new website will be much richer in content and resources, and it will be easier to find what you need through search functions and better organization. And, it will look pretty snazzy too.
We welcome your feedback on our blog, our soon-to-be brand new website, and anything else that CNHP does. Feel free to leave a comment here or through more old-fashioned media like email (How 20th century!).
Thanks for visiting and be sure to come back often for the latest news and information about CNHP.
Yours truly,
David G. Anderson
Director & Chief Scientist
Colorado Natural Heritage Program
Colorado State University

Photo by Denise Culver