Search CO Bat Matrix > Townsend\'s big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii) Threat Matrix
Species Profile

The Townsend?s big-eared bat occurs throughout the West, and is distributed from the southern portion of British Columbia south along the Pacific coast to central Mexico (C. t. pallenescens, C. t. mexicanus, and C. t. townsendii) and east into the Great Plains (C. t. ingens; endangered), with isolated populations occurring in the southeastern and eastern U.S. (C. t. virginianus; endangered). It has been reported in a wide variety of habitat types ranging from sea level?3300 m. Habitat associations include: coniferous forests, mixed mesophytic forests, deserts, native prairies, riparian communities, active agricultural areas, and coastal habitat types.
Cave Management
Crevice and Cavity Management
Disturbances | G |