About the NatureServe Network
CNHP is a proud member of the NatureServe Network, which is made up of 80+ independent member programs in the United States, Canada, and Latin America with over 1,000 conservation professionals. All Heritage Network members collect and analyze data about plants, animals, and ecological communities using the same scientific methodology as overseen by NatureServe, the Network's parent organization. The Network's vast geographic reach allows local, regional, and global perspectives on biodiversity. Local member program data are rolled up into a global dataset and served on NatureServe Explorer, an online encyclopedia of life.
NatureServe is a recipient of the the MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions (MACEI). The award is bestowed upon exceptional nonprofits that demonstrate innovation and impact in tackling the world's most pressing problems. No problem is more urgent than protecting the Earth’s biodiversity, and no group has done more to understand biodiversity than has NatureServe, according to the MacArthur Foundation.