Cave Access Management(grating)
Western small-footed myotis (Myotis ciliolabrum)
Search CO Bat Matrix > Western small-footed myotis (Myotis ciliolabrum) Threat Matrix
Species Profile
Myotis ciliolabrum roosts primarily in rock crevices and caves across the western U.S. (Holloway & Barclay 2001). In CO, Siemers (2002) found this species in 8 caves but in relatively small numbers suggesting that other structures, such as rock crevices or tree snags, may be used to a greater extent as found by Chung-MacCoubrey in the Book Cliffs of Mesa County and NM (2005, 2008). Few caves in CO are currently gated but if such practices become common and are implemented incorrectly this threat has potential to impact local populations of M.ciliolabrum.
Scope | Severity | Immediacy |
Low | Low | High |
Cave Access Management(grating) | G |