Search CO Bat Matrix > Fringed myotis (Myotis thysanodes) Threat Matrix
Species Profile
Several studies have recently identified M. thysanodes using rock crevices in CO (Chung-MacCoubrey 2008; O'Shea et al. In Press; Snider et al. in prep; pers comm Mark Hayes). Rock crevices should be stable, safe roosts less likely for large numbers of bats at any one time to be vulnerable to internal disturbances, particularly due to their tendancy to be in remote locations. Minimal impacts from recreational climbing and quarry development potentially exist but no evidence is available to directly show these disturbances. Some potential for long-term loss of these structures could result from water impoundment projects (large reservoirs) due to use of canyon country often chosen for such development.
Scope | Severity | Immediacy |
Low | Low | High |
Disturbances | G |